Join us for Coffee and Conversations, hosted by the SGA Women and Leadership Committee. In this installment, we will be going over the concepts taught by Simon Sinek in his book Start with WHY: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action.
What You Will Learn:
- How to think, market, and lead differently
- The Golden Circle
- How to Build a Following
- Sustainable Leadership
Who Should Attend
- SGA members & non-members who would like to make a bigger impact through inspiration.
Rachel Williams
Rachel B. Williams is on a mission to help women and men foster sustainable leadership by crafting their careers to fit THEM – maximizing success and fulfillment through aligning themselves and their team-members with their own unique talents.
With almost 15 years of experience in the environmental management of utility-scale energy projects, Rachel pivoted her own career to focus on her own unique gifts: connecting, speaking, and leadership. She now connects energy leaders with the services they need at Tetra Tech, advocates for female leaders in STEM through her coaching business Authentic Women’s Leadership, and speaks and presents for both.
Rachel lives in Houston, Texas, where she finds great joy in being a “personal development junkie”, spending time with her family and pets, and getting into nature as much as possible.