The Gas Supply & Marketing Council will consist of senior delegates from member companies who focus on the gas supply marketing for transmission, midstream and distribution operating companies. The Council will provide leadership while working with operators and stakeholders to optimize the production and sale of natural gas in the market. The Council will encourage, and support smart practices and lessons learned in an open, collegial, and learning environment while adhering to SGA’s Anti-Trust guidelines.
- The ultimate objective of the Council is to develop and foster an environment of sharing and learning among SGA membership in the marketing and supply of natural gas.
- Commitment to educating and the sharing of knowledge to better understand gas supply and marketing.
- Bring awareness/ educate on actions taken at SEC, FERC, CFTC, AGA, NAESB
- Highlight the importance of the natural gas value chain; as a vital component to affordable, reliable, and resilient energy that is readily available.
- Foster discussions among members as it relates to the safe and reliable transmission of natural gas, from well-head to burner tip.
- Identify and share relevant materials supporting the benefits of natural gas and the role it has in our energy future.
- In addition to recurring virtual monthly meetings, the Council will meet as necessary to ensure the mission is accomplished and objectives are explored.
- New Membership: New members will be approved by their companies Board of Director’s representative.
Success Definition
- Education and communication of the gas supply picture and future production, sale, and transmission forecasting.
- Ensure stakeholders understand the importance and value of promoting competitive practices so gas pricing is fair and effective.
- Opportunities are provided to continue to add value to our goal of serving reliable natural gas to the market.
- Grow the number of active voices within the SGA community that will continue to advocate for the natural gas industry.
- Knowledge Management through industry-wide communications of current best practices.