June 24, 2024

Advanced Mobile Leak Detection

Virtual, Instructor-Led

Event Summary

Advanced Mobile Leak Detection instruments have been providing an effective, reliable, and faster analysis of a gas company’s pipeline system. Solving a range of issues such as safety, quality, emission losses, and cost – efficiencies. Based on several pilot projects conducted, this class will provide an effective method of leak investigation for a gas company’s Leak Management Program (DIMP).


Attendees will receive 1 Professional Development Hour (PDH) upon completion.


Learning Objectives

Review of proposed regulation in using AMLD, as part of PHMSA Advance Leak Detection Program (ADLP) and instruments for an effective leak investigation.


Target Audience





Roy Montemarano

Technical Services Manager, Heath

After leaving college, Roy started his forty-three-plus year journey with Heath as a Leak survey field technician, working his way up to leak survey and damage prevention field manager. He transferred to the training department, where Roy and his associates developed training standards and procedures for the various instrumentation used in the field. Training both Heath personal and Customers (domestic and international).

Part of Roy’s job responsibilities is assisting Heath’s engineering department with R&D of new technology for the natural gas industry to meet the demands of the new regulations being proposed for Leak Detection and Repair.


From 06-24-2024 2:00 pm CST until 06-24-2024 3:00 pm CST



Registration Information

3% fee applied if paying by a credit card

Who can attend?

SGA Cancellation Policy "C"

Have any questions? Contact us. memberservices@southerngas.org