The LINK Q1 2023

We are barely through the first quarter of 2023, and Iā€™m amazed at how much Southern Gas Association is already accomplishing on behalf of our members. It seems like this year in particular we are delivering a sophisticated level of service and addressing the most pressing matters identified by our members. Let me give you some examples:

  • In February, we hosted the Technical Conference on Environmental Permitting and Construction, adding a new Air Quality track for a total of 21 sessions, 4 general sessions and 6 breakout sessions.
  • We published an updated Layman’s Guide to Environmental Regulations in the Natural Gas Industry and it is now for sale in the SGA Bookstore found on MySGA.
  • In March, we hosted SGA’s Executive Council Roundtable with ambassadors and senior representatives from 22 operators across the United States. A position paper with key recommendations for the industry will be forthcoming.
  • We are currently circulating our 20th annual Incident Experience Survey where participants can share relevant safety information for the industry and allow for a year-over-year comparison. Results will be shared with member companies and help further safeguard employees, reduce property losses and improve safety-related training. You can still participate here.
  • With job growth in the energy sector, we are pleased to have a CORE training program to help you onboard your new employees. Classes can be a customized bundle or you can recommend your employees participate in the upcoming CORE Onboarding 2-Day, 4-Class session June 7ā€“8.
  • In the first quarter, we conducted eight focus groups involving our members in the SGA strategy conversation.
  • Finally, we are proud to announce, in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma, the Accredited Natural Gas Executive program (ANGE). It is the only Accredited Leadership program designed for the Natural Gas Industry. The class starts in September 2023 with a graduation date of March 2025.

In this issue of The LINK, we further expand on the launch of the ANGE program, discuss turning decarbonization dreams into reality, operationalizing ESG and dive into Chat GPT: