Technology improves day-to-day performance, but it also creates opportunities that never existed before. With more real-time data available, we need people to interpret and use the data, while our increased emphasis on safety, reliability, and green technology has created jobs in disciplines that never would have been possible otherwise.
Technology improves day-to-day performance — but it also creates opportunities that never existed before. #naturalgas #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
Weather has a way of changing your plans. This year’s polar vortex proved the importance of natural gas storage. Thanks to infrastructure investments, we can store and deliver natural gas to market areas during times of high demand. When the sun doesn’t shine or the wind isn’t blowing, our natural gas storage infrastructure provides the energy people need, when they need it.
We can store and deliver #naturalgas to market areas during times of high demand. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
The recent cyber attacks on our nation’s pipeline infrastructure were a wakeup call to Homeland Security and an issue across all industries. The natural gas industry is staying ahead of the curve to prevent future attacks and protect the vital energy we need to power our daily lives. Join the FREE Chairman's webinar focusing on cybersecurity on August 25.
Join the FREE Chairman's webinar focusing on cybersecurity in #naturalgas on August 25. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
Pipelines already perform a critical service — transporting the energy source that powers our daily lives. But one day we could retrofit and repurpose any of our 2 million miles of pipeline to move freshwater (or even desalinated seawater), hydrogen or other clean energy. Investing in pipelines doesn’t just make sense today; it can provide a crucial service in the future.
One day, retrofitted/repurposed #naturalgas pipeline may move freshwater (or even desalinated seawater), hydrogen or other clean energy. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
State-of-the-art data acquisition hardware and risk-analysis software provide operators real-time data from pipelines and facilities 24/7. By identifying trends and predicting risk, operators have the digital infrastructure in place to prevent shutdowns, improve safety, and determine needed maintenance at a moment’s notice.
Real-time data combined with advanced risk-analysis software provide #naturalgas operators the digital infrastructure to monitor pipelines and facilities 24/7. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
More than 2 million miles of natural gas pipeline span our country. Their simple design, reliable performance, and corrosion-resistant structure make pipelines last longer, easier to maintain, and less expensive in many instances than wind turbines or solar panels. When it comes to investing in proven energy technologies, the answer is literally right under our feet.
#Naturalgas pipelines last longer and are easier and less expensive to maintain in many cases than wind turbines or solar panels. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
Natural gas pipelines can last 50 years or more and we’ve invested in innovation to make them last even longer, increase safety and increase efficiency. They transport the natural gas that powers our daily lives, without us having to make new, multibillion dollar investments in alternate systems. That’s an investment that just makes sense.
#Naturalgas pipelines can last 50 years or more. Investments in innovation make them safer, more efficient and last even longer. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
Progress and prosperity aren’t built on “What Ifs?”; they’re built on infrastructure. Natural gas has one of the best. This month we’ll showcase the reliability and innovation of our industry’s infrastructure — Mechanical, Industrial, and Human. Find out what our infrastructure does, what some of its potential uses are, and why continued investment in this reliable and proven industry can make for a #cleanenergyfuture.
This month we’ll showcase the reliability and innovation of the #naturalgas industry’s infrastructure: Mechanical, Industrial, and Human. #gasiskey to a #cleanenergyfuture.
Thank you to our industry’s scientists and engineers, who are deploying AI to make better real-time, long-term predictions about how much energy we need. Human intelligence plus artificial intelligence is leading the way to a smarter world, one where less energy is required to power our daily lives. #innovation #naturalgas #cleanenergyfuture #expandtheenergyconversation #gasiskey #gasisnow
Thank you to our industry’s scientists and engineers, who are deploying AI to make better predictions about how much energy we need to power our daily lives. #gasiskey #cleanenergyfuture
The “green path” isn’t just one technology, it’s the shared principle inspiring all of our technology from solar panels and carbon capture systems to hydrogen blending and much more. Thank you to the educators, policy makers, scientists and energy leaders who help create a greener, cleaner energy future for us all. #innovation #naturalgas #cleanenergyfuture #expandtheenergyconversation #gasiskey #gasisnow
Thank you to the educators, policy makers, scientists and energy leaders who work to create a greener, cleaner energy future for us all. #naturalgas #gasiskey #cleanenergyfuture
Thanks to the breakthroughs of our industry’s scientists, researchers, and engineers, we can achieve near-zero CO2 emissions. From mobile systems to power plants, carbon capture technologies will improve our daily lives and make our planet cleaner. #innovation #naturalgas #cleanenergyfuture #expandtheenergyconversation #gasiskey #gasisnow
Thanks to our industry’s scientists, researchers, and engineers, we can achieve near-zero CO2 emissions with carbon capture technologies. #naturalgas #gasiskey #cleanenergyfuture
By mixing hydrogen from low-carbon energy sources like biomass with the natural gas used in pipeline transportation, we can reduce emissions like never before. The innovation is possible thanks to the groundbreaking collaboration of our industry’s Operational, Environmental and Engineering experts. Hydrogen and human ingenuity are the elements that are powering our shared energy future, and we have both in abundance. #innovation #naturalgas #cleanenergyfuture #expandtheenergyconversation #gasiskey #gasisnow
Mixing hydrogen with #naturalgas can reduce emissions like never before. We thank our industry’s Operational, Environmental and Engineering experts for this groundbreaking innovation. #gasiskey #cleanenergyfuture