Past Chair: Brandi Price, Atmos Energy, West Texas Division
SGA Committee Manager: Taylor Wells, Southern Gas Association
Support: Paul Woodard, BlackMatter Creative
Support: Jessica Lytle, BlackMatter Creative
Past Chair: Brandi Price, Atmos Energy, West Texas Division
SGA Committee Manager: Taylor Wells, Southern Gas Association
Support: Paul Woodard, BlackMatter Creative
Support: Jessica Lytle, BlackMatter Creative
The purpose of the Stakeholder Communications Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee will benchmark with members around message development, channel strategy, internal communications, and external communications.
Who We Are? Communications, Marketing, Public Affairs and Public Relations Professionals from across the natural gas industry.
What We Do? Provide networking and educational opportunities to industry peers through awards programs, best practice sharing and sessions at the Communications Roundtable.
Where We Meet? The Communications Committee meets virtually through webinars, in person at planning meetings and conferences, and for monthly committee calls.