Chair: Tom Reggi, Boardwalk Pipelines
SGA Committee Manager: Celesta Miracle, Southern Gas Association
Chair: Tom Reggi, Boardwalk Pipelines
SGA Committee Manager: Celesta Miracle, Southern Gas Association
The purpose of the Human Resources Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee provides leadership and support to ensure HR practices align with business operations, recognizing that needs are different for each company due to the diverse size and composition of member companies.
Who We Are? Human Resources executives from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.
What We Do? Provide educational and networking opportunities to industry peers through our roundtable at the SGA Events
Where We Meet? The committee meets in person at planning meetings, conferences, and periodically by conference call.