Customer Growth & Development

Commercial/Industrial & Residential Markets


Chair: Steven Taylor, Summit Utilities, Inc.

First Vice Chair: Tanya Malcolm, Summit Utilities, Inc.

Second Vice Chair: Jose Angel Garcia, Texas Gas Service

SGA Committee Manager: Garrett Shuman, Southern Gas Association


The mission of the Commercial/Industrial & Residential Markets Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies.  This committee’s goal is to develop and provide solutions to meet the sales and marketing needs of member companies.

Who We Are? Commercial, Industrial & Residential Marketing Professionals from across the natural gas industry.

What We Do? Provide networking and educational opportunities to industry peers through awards programs, best practice sharing and sessions at SGA events.

Where We Meet? The group meets virtually through webinars, in person at planning meetings and conferences, and for monthly committee calls.


  • Garrett Shuman, SGA Committee Manager | Southern Gas Association