ESG & Corporate Services Section Managing Committee

The ESG & Corporate Services Section Managing Committee provides forums for member companies to learn, develop and share their best practices to enhance corporate functions.


A collaborative community within ESG & Corporate Services

The mission of the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) & Corporate Services Section Managing Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee has two focuses 1) measuring the sustainability and societal impact of an investment in a company and 2 ) activities that combine or consolidate certain enterprise-wide needed support services. The committee evaluates issues and challenges and makes recommendations to the Executive Council on SGA’s policies, plans, and tactics for addressing identified challenges and opportunities.

Committee Activity Plan

Stakeholder Communication

The mission of the Stakeholder Communications Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee will benchmark with members around message development, channel strategy, internal communications, and external communications.

Who We Are?  Corporate Communication and/or Public Affairs executives from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.

What We Do? Exchange information, share ideas, and have problem-solving discussions which benefit participants and their respective companies in finding solutions to the industry’s issues.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

Stakeholder Communications


The mission of the Environmental Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee focus includes waste management, construction/greenhouse gas regulations, air regulation, air permitting, energy efficiency, methane emissions reductions, and more.

Who We Are?  Environmental professionals from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.

What We Do? Exchange information, share ideas, and have problem-solving discussions which benefit participants and their respective companies in finding solutions to the industry’s issues.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

View full committee roster

Accounting & Finance

SGA’s Accounting and Finance Committee provides a forum for Accounting and Finance executives from member companies to learn, network and share best practices on accounting practices, standards and regulations that govern the industry.

Who We Are? Accounting and finance professionals from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.

What We Do? Exchange information, share ideas, and have problem-solving discussions which benefit participants and their respective companies in finding solutions to the industry’s accounting and finance issues.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

Accounting & Finance

Legal & Risk

The mission of the Legal & Risk Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee fosters enhancing the current and future compliance and understanding of applicable legal requirements and mitigation of operational risks.

Who We Are? Legal professionals from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.

What We Do? Exchange information, share ideas, and have problem-solving discussions which benefit participants and their respective companies in finding solutions to the industry’s legal issues.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

Information Technology & Cyber Security

SGA’s Information Technology & Cyber Security Committee supports the information requirements of member companies through education, communication and shared effort designed to improve corporate and individual performance.

Who We Are? All Information Technology roles within the natural gas industry.

What We Do? Engage and build a community within this peer group to facilitate the exchange of information.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

Supply Chain

The mission of the Supply Chain Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee focuses on supplier diversity and all activities involving the procurement, storing, handling, and disposal of materials used by SGA member companies.  The Supply Chain umbrella covers services and materials strategy, sourcing, procurement, inventory, transportation, disposal, systems, and other current topics.

Who We Are? Management professionals in the supply chain and diversity area in the natural gas industry.

What We Do? The SGA Supply Chain Committee is focused on stimulating professional growth for members, and influencing improved Supply Chain effectiveness for member companies. Provide educational and networking opportunities to industry peers through our roundtable at the SGA Events.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster

Human Resources

SGA’s Human Resources Committee provides a forum for Human Resources executives from member companies to learn, develop, and share best practices focused on creating enhanced work environments and business operations.

Who We Are? Human Resources executives from member companies who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within our respective companies.

What We Do? Provide educational and networking opportunities to industry peers through our roundtable at the SGA Events.

Where We Meet? The committee meets on monthly virtual conference calls, at an onsite planning meeting, and holds roundtable(s) as part of the SGA Events.

Committee Roster