The natural gas industry is facing increased attention from a variety of interest groups that have concerns with natural gas and the hydrocarbon energy industry. SGA has designed a robust program to prepare natural gas industry employees to respond to questions about the industry and the concerns expressed. Now is the time more than ever to pull together natural gas industry professionals to ensure we are telling a compelling story to reinforce natural gas as part of the low carbon future. This webinar equips you to better understand the core basics of the natural gas industry, and more importantly, how to engage in those casual yet crucial conversations.
Successful completion of all three components of this webinar series will make you eligible for a Natural Gas Champion digital badge and certificate and 4 Professional Development Hours (PDH).
Attendees will learn:
- About the benefits natural gas provides to customers, the general public, and the country,
- How to identify the concerns individuals and interest groups have with fossil fuels in general and natural gas in particular, as well as how the industry is responding to those concerns
- Why clean, efficient natural gas is critical for a low carbon future
- Effective, proven methods to communicate in a positive way to the more than 50% of the country that are persuadable with facts, figures and stories.
This course will take place for 2 hours each on 2 days:
- October 16 & 17: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, CST
This course is designed for energy company employees at all levels regardless of department or discipline. In particular, any employee who regularly interacts with the public or who desires to engage in positive communications about natural gas with family, friends and neighbors.
Natural Gas Champions Digital Badge
SGA has partnered with Credly, the leader in digital credentials, to certify that recipients understand the fundamentals of the natural gas industry and have gained the tools necessary to engage in crucial conversations about the benefits natural gas provides to customers, the general public and the country. Champions can identify individual and interest group concerns and have practiced responding to those concerns.
Adding the Natural Gas Champions digital badge to your LinkedIn profile demonstrates your commitment to learning and communicating the vital role that natural gas plays in a lower carbon future.
Meet the Instructor
Bill Cantrell
With more than 49 years of experience, Bill has become a trusted leader across the energy industry and developed a passion for working to advance the field. Before joining SGA, Bill was president and chief executive officer at SourceGas, now part of Black Hills Corp., an SGA member company. In 2009, he led SGA as Chairman of the board of directors. Bill worked for TECO Energy for over 34 years, with the last 12 years serving as President of Peoples Gas. Bill also serves as an independent director of Artera Services. He received a Master of Business Administration from the University of Tampa and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.