January 11, 2022

Leadership: Coaching & Mentoring

Virtual Workshop


Many leaders today tend to use the terms coaching and mentoring interchangeably. The problem is there is a significant difference in both the focus and approach for these two different professional development activities.

Coaching is a development process that involves a focused, structured interaction and the use of selected strategies, tools, and techniques to promote a desired and sustained change that benefits the individual and the organization. Coaching delivers results largely due to the working relationship created, and the means and style of communication used. The coachee does not develop new skills and behaviors by being told or taught, but by discovering them from within. Coaching leads the individual to this discovery.

Mentoring is different in that it involves a voluntary developmental relationship between a person of greater experience and a person of lesser experience that is characterized by mutual trust and respect. Mentoring provides personal feedback for development and can embed life-long learning, self-development, and adaptability into their organizations.

This workshop focuses on how to better coach your employees to higher performance. Coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals. How well you coach relates directly to how well you can foster a great working relationship with your employees through understanding them and strategic goal setting.

An easy-to-understand coaching model taught in this workshop will guide you through the coaching process. Prepare yourself to change a few things about yourself in order to coach your employees to better performance.



Organizations that foster a coaching mindset can create a high-performance culture. But organizations that truly desire this high-performance culture must make some fundamental changes in attitudes, leadership behavior, and structures. Research shows there are many benefits of coaching for an organization, such as job performance, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. Mentoring also provides organizational benefits by allowing individuals to expand their technical, interpersonal, and leadership skills.



By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • Defines coaching and mentoring
  • Ask better, more powerful questions
  • Understand the steps and application of a coaching model
  • Understand and practice active listening
  • Provide better feedback
  • Understand how mentoring improves the mentor, the mentee, and the organization



This course is ideal for any person or leader that is interested in learning more about coaching and mentoring within their organization and improving their active listening skills. Leaders and managers at all levels will benefit from learning how they can integrate coaching and mentoring into their organization’s culture.


*For groups of 5 discounts, please contact Member Services at memberservices@southerngas.org or (972)620-8505.






Allen Voss

Director of Education & Content, Southern Gas Association

Allen is retiring from 27 years of service in the U.S. Army as a Lieutenant Colonel. He joined SGA in April as the Director of Education and Content. Allen spent most of his military career in the areas of training, advising, and education. He advised strategic leaders in the Iraqi military on organizational structure, equipment, and training as part of their campaign to defeat ISIS. He led training organizations responsible for training thousands of members of every branch of the U.S. military, and the military members from seven different allied nations. Most recently he was an assistant professor and academic department director within the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and the Director of Professional Education Development within Army University. He has extensive experience leading and developing teams and individuals while creating and amplifying a service-minded culture.

Allen is passionate about leadership and education and bringing more leadership skills into Corporate America. He has a master’s degree in Education and Leadership and is currently completing his Ph.D. in Education and Leadership, both from Kansas State University. After retiring from the Army, Allen wanted to continue in the field of education and leadership, finding his place in the natural gas industry and SGA. When not working, Allen enjoys history, working with animal rescues, teaching others as an Executive Bourbon Steward, and conducting research in his doctoral studies.


From 01-11-2022 9:00 am CST until 01-11-2022 12:00 pm CST



Registration Information
Member (Group of 5)$1,100
Non-Member (Group of 5)$1,600

3% fee applied if paying by a credit card

Who can attend?

SGA Cancellation Policy "C"

Have any questions? Contact us. memberservices@southerngas.org