January 23, 2024

Artificial Intelligence vs Emotional Intelligence

Virtual, Instructor Led


We have become too comfortable with AI and rather uncomfortable with EI. New artificial intelligence technologies are learning and recognizing human emotions and using that knowledge to improve everything from marketing campaigns to health care. The more we are connected artificially, the less we are connected emotionally. From spell checks to voicemails, AI is prolifically creative. Its structure and outputs are aligned with the human brain. Everything comes at a price. It is also dampening human creativity, straining face-to-face communications. Some people are already beginning to feel like puppets with AI holding the remote control.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognize and communicate using the appropriate feelings in specific situations. EI is related to humans and hearts. AI is related to algorithms and numbers. Self-awareness, self-regulation, inner motivation, social skills, and empathy set us apart from Siri and Chat GPT.

Chat GPT and Siri cannot fix all our problems. No matter how smart they may be, there will be some things that can never be replaced by AI.

Key Takeaways

  • Finding that balance between AI and EI
  • Determining which areas could benefit with emotional intelligence and which areas don’t
  • AI Landmines: When artificial intelligence can backfire, lead to money waste, and time waste
  • How to not lose that human connection with AI infusion


Free e-book | Every attendee will receive a complimentary copy of Preethi’s book, Emotional Intelligence in Business and Marketing.



Meet the Speaker

Preethi Fernando

Preethi Fernando is an author of fourteen books, speaker, and consultant. She is the winner of Stephen King’s Haven Foundation Award, given to one author each year. Preethi is also the recipient of the Carnegie Fund for Authors in New York. Preethi does workshops, training, and seminars on emotional intelligence, mindfulness, rising above disengagement, and more.

Visit preethifernando.com


From 01-23-2024 2:00 pm CST until 01-23-2024 3:00 pm CST



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