Co-Chair: Angela Burnett, ONE Gas, Inc.
Co-Chair: David P. Johnson, Atmos Energy Corporation
SGA Committee Manager: Taylor Wells, Southern Gas Association
Co-Chair: Angela Burnett, ONE Gas, Inc.
Co-Chair: David P. Johnson, Atmos Energy Corporation
SGA Committee Manager: Taylor Wells, Southern Gas Association
The purpose of the Supply Chain Committee is to provide opportunities to share in experiences, lessons learned, challenges, and successes of SGA member companies. This committee focuses on supplier diversity and all activities involving the procurement, storing, handling, and disposal of materials used by SGA member companies.
Who We Are? Natural Gas Industry who are strategic thinkers, leaders, and decision makers within member companies.
What We Do? Educate, develop and advance the Supply Chain & Diversity Management professionals in our industry through benchmarking strategies and driving best practice. Our vision is for SGA to be a leading organization in the industry by advancing Supply Chain & Diversity professionals’ knowledge through training, networking, membership and ethical business practices.
Where We Meet? The group meets virtually through webinars, in person at planning meetings and conferences, and for monthly committee calls.